Comparing ChatGPT and Google Bard: Assessing AI-Powered Information Retrieval in Nursing
In healthcare, rapid access to accurate information is essential, especially for nurses who make critical decisions. Artificial intelligence (AI) offers promise in this context, with ChatGPT and Google Bard being notable AI-driven information retrieval tools.
This study evaluated ChatGPT and Google Bard's performance by assessing their responses to 50 diverse medical knowledge questions, covering infection control, vital signs, CPR, and more, and comparing their response to the correct answers.
ChatGPT achieved a 64% accuracy rate, while Google Bard achieved 56%. Both models agreed on key medical concepts, but disagreements emerged in some areas, highlighting disparities in their responses. Nurses' expertise in patient-centered care, clinical judgment, and communication complements AI. AI aids in providing evidence-based information but cannot replace nurses' human touch and critical thinking. Integrating AI into nursing education enhances learning and prepares professionals for evolving healthcare landscapes.
ChatGPT and Google Bard have strengths and weaknesses, making them valuable aids but not substitutes for nurses. Ethical considerations are vital as AI continues to shape healthcare. Nurses must ensure ethical AI use while upholding their commitment to compassionate care.
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